Sarson Ka Saag
In Punjab, cold wintery season means time to enjoy Sarson ka saag and makki ki roti. This popular Punjabi meal combo is best enjoyed with fresh makkhan (homemade butter) and lassi. In this recipe, sarson ki bhaji which means green mustard leaves in English, bathua leaves and spinach leaves are cooked together with tomato, ginger, garlic, green chili and corn flour and then crushed into a smooth puree. Finally, this puree is tempered with stir fried onion in ghee for nice aroma and flavor. This classic North Indian curry is not only easy to make but healthy too as it is cooked in a manner that preserves all nutrients of green leaves. Follow this 10 step sarson ka saag recipe and make a healthy meal in less than 35 minutes.
4 cups chopped Mustard Leaves (or 2 bunch)
2 cups chopped Spinach Leaves (1 bunch)
1 cup chopped Bathua Leaves (1/2 bunch), optional
1 small Tomato, chopped, optional
2 Green Chillies, (1-chopped and 1-cut lengthwise)
3-4 cloves of Garlic, chopped
1-inch piece of Ginger, chopped
2 tablespoons Corn Meal Flour (makki ka aata)
1 medium Onion, sliced lengthwise
Salt to taste
1½ tablespoons Ghee or Oil
1/2 cup Water
  1. Wash and clean mustard leaves, spinach and bathua leaves in running water. Drain excess water and chop them roughly.
  2. Take all greens (mustard leaves, spinach and bathua), tomato, 1 chopped green chilli, garlic, ginger, salt and 1/2 cup water in a large pan or a 3-liter capacity pressure cooker.
  3. If you are using pressure cooker then pressure cook it for 1-whistle over medium flame.  If you are cooking in a pan then cook it until turns soft for around 8-10 minutes.
  4. Turn off the flame after a whistle. Remove the pressure cooker lid after pressure comes down naturally.  Let the mixture cool for few minutes at room temperature.
  5. Transfer mixture to a large jar of a mixture grinder or a blender. Add corn meal flour.
  6. Blend the mixture to a smooth puree.
  7. Transfer mixture to the same pressure cooker or the pan.
  8. Let it cook for 10-12 minutes over low flame. Stir occasionally in between to prevent sticking.
  9. Meanwhile, let’s prepare the tempering. Heat ghee in a small pan over medium flame. Add sliced onion and lengthwise cut green chilli and stir fry until onion turns light brown.
  10. Pour the tempering mixture over cooked saag and turn off the flame. Sarson da saag is ready to serve with hot makki di roti.
Tips and Variations:
  • If pressure cooker is not available, you can also use a pan in step-3.
  • To keep the color of the saag green, cook it in a pan and do not cover it with lid while cooking.
  • You can grind the mixture to a smooth puree or keep the texture coarse per your choice.
  • If bathua is not available, add same amount of spinach instead of it.
  • Add 1 small radish and 1 carrot for variation.
  • To make it spicy, increase the amount of green chillies.
Taste:  Spicy
Serving Ideas:  Sarson ka saag, makki ki roti, homemade butter and lassi makes a hearty Punjabi meal.

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